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What Is a Vision Therapy Program?

Vision therapy often referred to as the practice of training for vision, can be described as a monitored and customized treatment program that is designed to address, improve or improve visual efficiency issues or visual-motor-cognitive deficits.

The program is similar to physical therapy as well as occupational therapy. Exercises and therapy activities are designed to meet the specific needs of each patient. You can join a vision therapy program in Toronto so as to get the best ideas on how to improve your vision.

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The exercises are overseen by optometrists who are developing and vision therapists. In the office, they will use therapeutic lenses and prism lenses, optical filters, and eye patches to treat or diagnose the problem. In addition to specific exercises that require the eye teaming process like eye movements.

Focusing as well as balance and processing of visual information. The typical course of treatment can last between six months and one year, based on the diagnosis with long-term results.

The exercises work on the entire visual system including the brain, eyes, and body. A well-functioning visual system is made up of precise and precise binocularity (eye teaming) and efficient eye tracking and focusing on eye-hand coordination, visual perception, and integration of the visual-motor.

Visual processing is a major aspect of how we process information. It is an integral part of the way we learn. Understanding and understanding what we see in order to ensure we can produce accurate results is the thing that visual processing is all about. 

Through vision therapy, we develop abilities to improve our visual functioning more than 80 percent of the information that is learned in a classroom environment is acquired via visual pathways.