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Rent a Chair or Hire Employees for Your Salon

A growing salon needs to make a decision around the staff. Should you rent a chair out to contractors, or employ stylists to become a part of your business? If you’re the owner of a growing salon or spa, you’ve likely faced (or are about to face) this decision. You can also visit to get salon chair rental.

Should you rent a chair to freelance stylists, or hire your own stylists as employees? Naturally, both paths have their pros and cons. Take time to consider the benefits and drawbacks of each to ensure that you make the right choice for your business.

When you rent your booth to an independent stylist, they’re paying a fixed fee for your space. This means that you’re both making money off the deal and saving time because you don’t have to worry about marketing to find clients for that particular chair.

On top of that, the renter is their own independent freelancer. You aren’t responsible for dealing with sick days, maternity leave, paid time off, insurance, etc. which could save you a lot of money in the long run.

If you decide to rent a chair to freelancers, it’s important to write up a service contract for them to sign. This will give you a little bit more control, and draw a line in the sand that you are both clear on.

If you decide to hire employees, make sure you put time and effort into them. They’re an investment in your business and could make or break your success in the industry.At the end of the day, it’s up to you to weigh the pros & cons.