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Why A CCW Belt Is Your Best Concealed Carry Alternative

A concealed carry (CCW) belt is a great way to easily and more safely transport your firearm on your waistline. Learn how this belt can be used in conjunction with a firearm in this article!

What is a ccw belt?

A ccw belt is an alternative to carrying a concealed handgun on your person. It is a waistband-style holster that attaches to your pants via a velcro closure. The belt is made of sturdy fabric and can hold several handguns, meaning you can carry a backup weapon in case your primary one is unavailable. Additionally, the belt can be worn low on your hips, making it less conspicuous than carrying a handgun in a pocket.

Why carry a ccw belt?

A concealed carry belt can provide a layer of security when carrying your firearm. Not only does it keep the weapon close to your body, but it also acts as a makeshift holster if needed. When choosing a ccw belt, make sure to consider the type of gun you plan to carry and the size of your waist.

Some popular types of guns that can be carried in a ccw belt include handguns and shotguns. While each type of gun will fit in a different sized belt, most belts are designed to fit around the waist at least 1 inch above the hips. If you plan on carrying a larger caliber firearm or a shotgun with multiple rounds, make sure to buy a belt that is at least 2 inches wide.

When selecting a ccw belt, be sure to consider your lifestyle and needs. For example, if you live in an urban area where shootings are less common, then a smaller handgun may be more suitable for your needs than a larger caliber weapon. Conversely, if you live in an area where shootings are more common, then purchasing a gun that is larger in caliber may be more advisable.

Ultimately, choosing the right concealed carry belt is essential for ensuring safety when carrying your firearm. By

How does it work?

A concealed carry belt is a great way to ensure that you always have your concealed carry weapon with you. Basically, it’s a waistband holster that clips onto your pants and holds your gun securely in place. Belt holsters are a popular choice for concealed carry because they’re easy to wear and conceal. Plus, they’re less likely to snag on clothing or cause discomfort when wearing them all day.