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How To Obtain A Food Hygiene Certificate Level 2

A food hygiene certificate level 2 is the minimum requirement for anyone working in a food business. It shows that the holder has the knowledge and understanding to handle food safely. This article will explain the steps to obtaining a food hygiene certificate level 2 and the importance of having one.


The first step in obtaining a food hygienic certificate level 2 is to check and make sure that you are eligible. Generally, anyone who works in a food business will need to have a certificate. It is also important to ensure that the certificate is from an accredited body and is valid.

Training Course

Once you have established that you are eligible for a food hygiene certificate level 2, the next step is to complete a training course. The course can be completed online or in a classroom setting. It covers a range of topics such as food safety, food storage and preparation, and food hygiene.


Once the training course is completed, the next step is to take the examination. The examination will test your knowledge of the topics covered in the course. Depending on the provider, the examination can be taken online or in a physical location.


Once the examination is passed, the final step in obtaining a food hygiene certificate level 2 is to obtain certification. This can be done online or by post.

Obtaining a food hygiene certificate level 2 is an important step in ensuring the safety of food. It requires the completion of a training course and passing an examination. Once the examination is passed, certification will be issued, allowing the holder to work in a food business.