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Himalayan Pink Salt – How to Keep From Contaminating Yourself With Arsenic?

Pink Himalayan salt is one of the most sought after minerals and its colorless crystals are a primary reason. They are also more pure and have fewer impurities than many other minerals. However, you may be surprised to learn that Pink Himalayan salt may actually be contaminated with arsenic.

The salt is found only in the high mountains of Nepal. The distinctive veins can be seen in the mountains above the town of Lhotse. These veins are formed when the salt moves from below the surface of the mountains to the surface and then sinks back to the mountain. When it comes in contact with arsenic, the mineral forms salts that look more or less like pink crystal to the naked eye.

In order to minimize the risk of contamination from arsenic, the salt is not left to sit on the surface of the salt. Instead, it is rolled over several times with a special conveyor system. In some cases, the process is done manually, but in most cases it is automated. Once the salt has been rolled, the minerals are scooped up and placed into large tanks, which store them in cool conditions.

At any time, you can buy Himalayan salt which is very pure. However, there are also many impure salts available on the market. To keep your own salt from contamination, you should follow the steps listed below:

Himalayan pink salt is sold in baggies. All of these bags should be double-checked to make sure they are sealed correctly and the seals have no holes.

Make sure that the salt is poured out of the bag first. If there is any excess salt in the bag, this will increase the amount of arsenic present. You should never leave the salt in the bag for more than a day.

Next, pour the salt into a small pan. The pan should be slightly larger than the salt to ensure that all of the salt is covered. Never use a smaller pan for arsenic because the arsenic would not fit through the holes. Also, remember to use the right sized pan for your salt.

This brings us to the first of the three ways to inspect the salt. Use a microscope to make sure that there are no cracks in the surface of the salt. If there are cracks or scratches, the salt will need to be re-sale.

While the salt is still hot, take a pair of tweezers and pull it from the pan. If the salt has been sitting for some time, the tweezers should slide out easily. If they don't, re-warm the salt with the microwave for 30 seconds.

Once the tweezers come out, remove the salt from the pan and then place it in a freezer for a few minutes. This will help prevent the brownish spots that may develop in the bottom of the pan.

After about a minute, take the salt out of the freezer and set it in the refrigerator. This will allow the salt to stay cold for about an hour.

When Himalayan pink salt is sold in baggies, make sure to examine the seal carefully. If there is any type of damage, such as a cracked seal, replace the bag immediately.