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Paintball Accessories and Moves That Won’t Make You Look Like a Noob

Paintball is more than just knowing how to aim a paintball gun. Most veterans are happy to help out any newbie looking to learn, but there are a few fake pauses that can earn you the nickname "noob," which refers to an over-eating green horn who forgets to check his ego at the door. 

At Paintball USA, you can now enjoy playing the most awesome paintball game. Earn the respect of your fellow paintball players by following these tips:

What to Wear for Paintball - The Ultimate Gear Guide for Beginners

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Expect physical activity:- Move! Paintball requires extensive running, pulls back, squats, squats, and movements that have no equivalent verb. Slowly moving targets were sprayed with paint. So make sure you hit the ground. At the same time, watch for signals from your teammates that indicate it's time to quit.

Being a team player:- The biggest sign of a noob is loading the field acting as the sole guard. At the heart of a successful paintball game is a well-coordinated team. On the battlefield, your opponents are shouting orders and observations to which you and your comrades must respond with action. 

Another way to show that you are a team player is to respond to requests from your teammates. When asked to provide cover, be sure to watch and shoot where the enemy is most likely to appear.