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What is Telegram? Is Telegram Encrypted?

Telegram, a cloud-based instant message app, was launched in 2013. It has enjoyed a loyal user base ever since. It was created by Pavel Durov and Nikolai Durov (two Russian brothers best known for creating VK, a social networking platform formerly called VKontakte).

It offers a secret chat option that uses end-to-end encryption and a regular chat that is encrypted in Telegram Cloud. It also offers 40+ Best Telegram Channels For Web Series. It's available on many mobile and desktop operating systems including iOS, macOS, and Android as well as Windows Phone, Windows, and Linux.

Image Source: Google

What is the secret to Telegram's popularity? What is it that Telegram does that other similar apps don't do? 

Because they are encrypted from end to end, Telegram secret chats are different than standard ones. What does this all mean for you? According to the FAQ of the app, only the sender or recipient can see the messages in secret chats. Telegram staff cannot decrypt them.

Secret chat messages cannot be sent or forwarded. All media surrounding the chat can be set to auto-destruct after a predetermined time. The chat can be deleted by either party at any time. Telegram secret conversations are device-specific, so they cannot be stored in the cloud. It is assumed that your data will be safe so long as your phone is with you.

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