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Tips for Senior Citizen Moving in Raleigh

Imagine you are moving out of a home that you have lived in for 20, 30, 40, or 50 years. You've not only accumulated "stuff", but also many memories. You have raised your children, hosted family gatherings, and shared laughter with neighbors and friends.

You now have to move into a smaller home or assisted living facility. It can be a difficult task at the best, and a nightmare at the worst. These are professional senior moving services in Raleigh to help make the transition smoother. Besides these tips will also come in handy while moving your elderly to a new house. 

1. Sort and downsize early

Your possessions have taken years to accumulate and you will need to decide what to do with them. You should allow yourself to remember the souvenirs that you purchased on vacation. You can take your time to decide what to bring with you, what to give to family or charity, and what to toss.

2. Plan Your Available Space

Your current furniture may not be suitable for your new home, or it may be too big. The dining table is a good example. Is it still necessary to have a table that can comfortably seat ten people for Thanksgiving dinner? Knowing how much you need and where each piece fits will help in the sorting and downsizing phase of your move.

3. Make Notification Lists

Make a list of everyone you wish to notify about the address change. Be sure to notify the utilities.

4. Ask for help

It's stressful and hard work. Ask your family and friends for help and advice. The National Association of Senior Move Managers is a great resource for information and assistance. They are experts in helping seniors move, from organizing and sorting to hiring movers to help settle in their new homes.