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The Process Of Recovery After A Root Canal

While root canal procedures are commonplace in dentistry today and patients most often return to normal activities immediately, it is not unusual to expect some recovery symptoms. Your root canal has been cleaned, treated, and filled, but the process is not quite over. There are some clinics that provide pulp canal therapy in Brampton.

Recovery Tips

Eating Habits – Before your procedure, your tooth was likely sore and sensitive so you grew accustomed to eating on one side of your mouth. While you will likely want to continue this habit until the root canal procedure is finished and the tooth is permanently filled, your ultimate goal should be to use both sides of your mouth again.

Pain – Many patients experience a manageable amount of pain and sensitivity immediately following a procedure. An ice pack and over-the-counter analgesics such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help you keep your pain under control so you can return to normal activities immediately.

Pain is obviously the primary concern of patients during their recovery. In fact, most patients find that root canals are no more painful than recovering from a filling. Nevertheless, there will likely be a mild to moderate amount of pain and sensitivity following your root canal due to your body's natural inflammatory response. 

Some procedures will require more than one dental visit. The restoration of your tooth will generally require a filling or even the placement of a crown, and you should be vigilant about pain symptoms. 

After Treatment

Root canal procedures can protect your teeth, prevent decay, and ultimately save your tooth. After treatment, you should avoid foods and fluids for several hours. You should not chew with the treated tooth until the filling has been placed; but also, the treated tooth may be more sensitive immediately following the procedure.