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Tips for People to Enjoy Adventure Trek

Trekking is one of the most adventurous activities to enjoy adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers. Trekking trails are very popular in the high mountains and magnificent of Nepal.

If you are also a lover of adventure and like to enjoy the mountain, hiking, trekking, city / trekking e-bike, etc. you can take a trip to the mountains of Nepal. Here is some useful information that will make let you travel easily, safely and enjoyably.

Tips for People to Enjoy Adventure Trek

Image Source: Google

Pak bag properly and prepare for trekking in Nepal. Bring only necessary things. Some people have a happy trip because of a heavy backpack. Things do not need to be undesirable in the bag that makes the troublesome and tiresome journey.

Bag weight should be distributed evenly over the shoulders. If not, it will lead to fatigue and back pain. You should also use the hips to balance the weight belt and distributes the weight around the waist as well.

Do not buy a new pair of shoes and start the journey. a pair of new shoes is difficult and you may not feel comfortable. They also can cut your feet, your feet will hurt and you can not walk comfortably.

So, if you buy new shoes for trekking, bought it two weeks in advance. Use it regularly and let them adjust.

Bring a magnetic compass and a map along with you on the road trekking. They are a big help when you lose your way or get in the desert.