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Plumbing Tips: Possible Causes For Your Running Toilet

You listen to a hissing in the middle of the night. You notice your water bill is higher than normal. What you probably have is the common running toilet, that if not addressed, will cost you hundreds of unnecessary dollars.

Fixing a leaking toilet is not a hard skill to learn. The savings will last a lifetime. So, here's a free plumbing tip on the causes of a running toilet. You can also look for the best in test toilet seat (also known as "bst i test toalettstol" in the Swedish Language).

Finding The Cause Of The Leak:

The first thing to fix any problem is to find what is causing it. And, in order to do that we learn how a toilet basically works.

When you push down the toilet handle, all you're doing is moving a rod upward that lifts something called a flapper that is preventing the tank water from draining into the toilet. The flapper stays up in the tank water because there is a pocket of air in the flapper. As the tank water level drops, so will the floating flapper. It will fall right back into place, sealing the hole that lets out the tank water into the toilet bowl.

What controls water from filling up the tank is a floater that is attached to a rod. As the floater moves up and down with the water level of the tank, it will either open or close a valve. This is how water is let in to refill the toilet tank and shuts off automatically as the floater rises with the water level. 

If the water level is above the overflow tube, water will be constantly draining into the bowl and the floater will never get high enough to shut off the valve. There should be a screw above where the water flows into the tank. Turn it, either way, to see how it adjust the floater.