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Currently Viewing Posts Tagged thumb sucking prevention

Management Of Thumbsucking: Is A Thumb Guard Needed?

There is a natural tendency for very young babies to feel good about something in their mouth. As a result, many babies are used to sucking their thumbs or fingers. In fact, babies are photographed and scanned in the womb!

A baby with a thumb in the mouth can be a problem because the constant pressure on the roof of the mouth caused when the baby is feeding can move the bones. To prevent this thumb sucking habit among your child, you can look for various thumb sucking prevention devices online at Nipit.

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If this habit continues in early, middle, or even late childhood, the bones will continue to move with the stress. This is a process very similar to orthodontics. Orthodontic braces put pressure on the teeth, which moves the teeth through the bones. When the baby is nursing hard, pressure is applied directly from the thumb to the bone.

It is possible to help the child stop thumb sucking in 2 main areas:

  • Preventive therapy
  • Appliance Therapy

Preventive Therapy includes:

  • Painting of nails with a liquid with a bitter or unpleasant taste
  • Wear finger guards on your hands, including gloves
  • Place the child where the thumb sucks
  • Place the child in a long-sleeved dress so that they cannot access their thumbs or fingers
  • Age-appropriate discussions and explanations with children as well as positive information such as card stickers

Appliance Therapy includes:

  • Fix the device to break the habit and continue the habit as difficult as possible
  • Interchangeable devices to break habits and continue as difficult habits as possible

6 Thumb Sucking Prevention Tips Parents Need To Know

Luckily, there are methods to stop or help your children kick the habit. These are provided by the world’s #1 resource to stop thumb and finger sucking since 2014 professionals. 

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1. A strong reward system: The very first step would be to promote your love to stop sucking their thoughts with plenty of compliments and support.  Explain to a child, in age-appropriate manners, he or she wants to stop.  Then, present a rewards graph system as an extra incentive to maintain thumb sucking.

2. Avoid the desire to Nag: As we have mentioned, persistent suck of thumbs is reassuring. In case you've got a strong-willed toddler on your hands, then they may just turn defensive and also attempt to conceal the custom from you.

3. Give your kid a different source of relaxation, such as a plush toy or an enjoyable sport:  It is a terrific way to maintain their thoughts of thumb sucking the times when they are most likely to achieve for their own thumb, such as in the car, at their visit to the dentist!

4. Reminder: That is why it's useful to employ reminders to help your children remember to not suck on their thumb.  You may even set a cute band-aid above their thumb.

5. Be patient: With most things fresh, the first couple of times will be the worst. The important thing is to be patient and persistent and finally, you and your child will conquer the habit of thumb sucking.

6. Request help: Pay a visit to your orthodontist for sensible types of intervention and, even in case you feel the need, reserve a consultation with a child psychologist to make sure there is no inherent distress. 

The Effects of Thumb Sucking in Toddlers

As parents, we all experience fussy when it comes to the health of our children. That's what comes along with the job – you are worried about almost everything that your kids say and do.

If you are the parent of an infant or young child, it's almost impossible to not be constantly worried about something. To prevent their thumb-sucking habit, you can purchase thumb guards online via amazon.

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In that vein, there is one action that seems natural (and often funny) in young children: sucking their thumb. Parents are naturally concerned that this type of behavior can cause oral health problems down the line.

Here's the bottom line on this issue: Sucking the thumb is a normal behavior in young children, but if kept inside for teenagers, there can be negative effects that may have to be treated medically. So, if you are worried about this problem in the case of your son or daughter, do not bog yourself down with worry.

When Children Stop Sucking Should Thumbs them?

For most children stop thumb sucking as they progress from infant to toddler stage – anywhere from 2 to 4 years. If children are still sucking their thumb beyond the age of 4, that's when problems may start.

Excessive violence or thumb sucking can cause a number of serious problems.

Problems include:

  • Misalignment of teeth (known as malocclusion): This could cause an overbite or open bite, which need to be improved in the future through dental care.
  • Skin / Nail Damage
  • Speech Development: For more information about thumb sucking and the development of speech, click here.