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Repair Car Brakes – Signs Indicating The Need For Repairing Car Brakes

Many cars have experience accidents due to brake failure. Therefore, you must ensure that your vehicle's brakes are functioning properly. If you are worried that you don't know how to care for it, you can be glad to know that of all the basic safety equipment in a vehicle, the car brakes are probably the most important and the easiest to maintain. 

You can see that even a casual rider who knows very little about the mechanical aspects can easily tell if the brakes are okay by just following a few simple instructions. You shouldn't do this as only a skilled and qualified mechanic can ensure the proper performance of this task. With this article, we provide you some signs that suggest it's time for car brake service.

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  • If you hear a loud scream every time you hit the brakes, then don't delay repairing the car brakes by taking your car to a qualified repair shop. A scream means there is metal-to-metal contact due to the worn condition of the brake pads.
  • If you find that your car doesn't stop even after braking, or is about to come to a stop for a long time, you should see a mechanic immediately. It's not dangerous to keep going. 
  • If the steering wheel vibrates in your hand when you stop, it probably means something to do with the brake disc. The blades can change shape over time and are often ignored, but "shaking", as mentioned, is an indication that it needs to be addressed urgently.