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An Introduction to the Benefits of Meditation

Many people wonder about the secret recipe that is needed to become the best version of themselves. Some believe it is the 'what if' trap, in which they say, what if I had x or y, then I could be happy, fulfilled or become the best version of myself and this couldn't be further from the truth. If you are looking for the best information about daily meditation app you can check here now

An Introduction to the Benefits of Meditation

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Honestly, there is no secret recipe, but there is something that can help – a set of specific skills that when practiced 10-15 minutes every day can dramatically impact your life. 

About 4 years ago at the age of 17, I began to experiment with mind control, thought experiments, and really try to incorporate discipline in my life. I have always believed in the routine and structure and always try to incorporate them into my everyday life, without much success alone.

But, as I dig deeper and find more; I came across this wonderful tool called meditation. In my eyes, meditation is to 'woo woo' types of people in the world, without a lot of direction and lack of motivation.

I believe it's the kind of people who have so much time on their hands that they have nothing better to do. Needless to say, I was wrong. Meditation or meditation practice is a tool that is more than 80% of people who are very successful doing every day according to Tim Ferriss' podcast.