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Establishing Ethics and Compliance Policies

 "Standards, guidelines and procedures"

As a compliance expert, you set standards and, among other things, create guidelines and procedures for your company's ethics and compliance (E&C) program. You can see other services related to mandatory policies at

First, let's look at this simplest guideline – compliance guidelines. There is only one guideline when it comes to compliance:

"Our policy is that you must comply with all applicable laws and regulations at all times. Otherwise, disciplinary action will be taken and services will be suspended and may be prosecuted."

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However, ethical guidelines are not that easy. As most codes of conduct read almost the same thing. The commitment to the highest ethical standards requires honesty and integrity in everything, respect and trust, fairness, and responsibility.

Then there is a list of things you will and will not do: bribery, conflicts of interest, harassment, privacy, gifts, discrimination, property and company protection, revenge, etc.

The code of conduct must reflect the uniqueness of your company. Certainly not your employee. You don't need documents to learn how to behave. They come to work every day and see how everyone behaves. And that speaks louder than your code of ethics.

Even don't stand up to "best practices" in terms of your standards and guidelines. The best practice is what everyone does. Improve your standards and guidelines better. Spend less time looking around who is up to date and more time moving edges.