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Some Easy Things That You Can Do To Protect Your Business

No business is too small to be vulnerable to hackers. According to the National Cyber Security Alliance, 71% of cyber attackers are targeting small businesses. About 60% of small businesses are victims of cyber attacks within six months of their establishment. 

Three reasons that small businesses are so often targeted are: they do not have the resources to respond to attacks, information such as credit card numbers are often less guarded and small businesses can partner with a larger company and give hackers access to their confidential information. 

To protect yourself from such attacks, you should consult the IT service providers like tworivertech to seek some help to protect your business from such threats.

Image Source: Google

Some of the other things that you can do for your company to keep is secure are:

· Educate your employees. In addition to ensuring that everyone in your company is familiar with your security system, it may be useful to train employees on basic Internet safety and security. There are many online resources that raise awareness about phishing scams, security certificates, and the foundations of other cybersecurity.

· Create a strong password. For each resource that requires a password on your system, create (and have employees make) complex passwords that are not subject to social engineering or easy to guess. 

· Use encryption software: If you are dealing with sensitive information on a regular basis. That way, even if your data is compromised, hackers will not be able to read it.

· Look into cyber insurance. Cybersecurity breaches are generally not covered by liability insurance, but if you're looking to protect sensitive data, talk to an insurance agent about your options.