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Tips for Repairing the Refrigerator Effortlessly

The refrigerator is one of the most important appliances in the kitchen. Not only is it one of the most expensive things to do, but it is also an integral part of the home energy bill. It is now really convenient to look for the best heat resistant gasket to repair your refrigerator seal. 

High Temperature Silicone Rubber Gaskets, Seal, Sleeve & Rubber Parts

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For this reason, it is very important that the appliance is properly maintained in order to achieve maximum energy efficiency and avoid unexpected refrigerator repairs. Homeowners can perform many of these tasks on their own. 

However, specialists can examine the device in detail to rule out the main problem. Here are some of the main areas that need to be checked regularly:-

Clean capacitor windings thoroughly:- Capacitor windings should be checked and cleaned about once a month to keep the device in optimal condition. A special detergent is required to clean this area of the refrigerator. Be sure to clean the condenser blades from top to bottom for a thorough cleaning. 

Clean and check the fan blades:- The fan should work properly to keep the device as cool as possible. Dirty fan blades cause the engine to run harder than it should, leading to faster wear. Keeping the knife as clean as possible will avoid this problem. You will need a soft cloth to clean the fan blades. 

Check the door seals:- The unit can lose a lot of cool air if the seals are damaged or worn. This not only causes food spoilage, but also increases your energy bill. Check the seal every week to once a month. An easy way to check is to slip a sheet of paper between the closed door and the seal.