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What’s New On The 2022 NordicTrack S22i From iFit?

The updated NordicTrack S22i model for 2022 was recently released by iFit and it costs just a tick under $2,000. TailHappyTV reviewed the previous year's model and gave it great remarks, but the 2022 NordicTrack S22i has improved upon it's original design. The new model has a beefed up motor for the incline and decline feature, which is also reported to operate at a lower decibel level. The incline and decline ability remains the same with a range of -10% to +20%. The iFit instructors have the ability to automatically adjust this incline for you during a scenic ride or a studio ride. In addition to the automatic incline and decline capability on the 2022 NordicTrack S22i, this stationary exercise bike also has automatic adjusting resistance similar to the Peloton Bike Plus. TailHappyTV reviewed and compared the Peloton Bike+ to the NordicTrack S22i in a previous video showing the pros and cons of each spin bike in an attempt to help potential customers make a purchasing decision.

The 2022 NordicTrack S22i has several other changes made to it, including the external appearance. The lettering has been changed from orange to a more subtle blue, and the emergency brake button is now red instead of orange as well. Thankfully iFit has chose to include a power button on the new 2022 NordicTrack S22i so you no longer need to unplug this exercise bike from the wall to turn the screen off like on the legacy model. If you've been considering purchasing an exercise bike you can read a full 2022 NordicTrack S22i review on the official TailHappyTV website.