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Currently Viewing Posts Tagged Effective Treatment for hair loss

Hair Loss: Which Treatments Are Truly Effective?

Many hair loss suffering men and women would do almost anything to get their hair back. But in a world full of gimmicks, clever marketing, and scams, how can you be sure which treatments for baldness really work?

Drugs for Genetic Balding

To date, the only FDA-approved treatments proven effective to treat genetic hair loss include Propecia (finasteride) and Rogaine (minoxidil). You can search online as there are many websites like The Hair Fuel which provide complete information about hair loss treatment.

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When used together, these two drugs are said to have a synergistic effect and significantly increase the chances of slowing down, stopping, or even reversing the effects of male pattern baldness. 

Propecia For Male Pattern Baldness

Propecia comes in the form of a pill and contains 1mg of the active ingredient finasteride. This antiandrogen works to inhibit the production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT by stopping the male hormone testosterone from bonding with 5-alpha-reductase enzymes. 

Rogaine for Treating Hair Loss

Rogaine comes in either a liquid or foam form and is applied topically to the scalp. Rogaine's active ingredient minoxidil is considered a hair growth stimulator and works to revitalize shrunken hair follicles when applied to the affected area.

Minoxidil is a vasodilator that relaxes both veins and arteries in the body and thus, minoxidil was originally used as an oral treatment to lower blood pressure. 


Unfortunately, no non-surgical hair restoration product is proven to grow hair in completely bald areas. Only hair transplant surgery can do that.

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    Loran Nordgren – Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio |

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