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Currently Viewing Posts Tagged dental office

Teeth Whitening In Bend – Is It Right For You?

Teeth whitening has been a hit among Gen-Xers, baby boomers, and teenagers. It can draw attention to your smile, make you feel better, and even make you look younger.

Is Professional Whitening For You? If you have any doubts or have tried a whitening procedure and are disappointed with an over-the-counter product, this information can help if you still want whiter teeth.

What About The Office Whitening Procedure?

The two main reasons many people choose office teeth whitening are 1) whiter teeth and 2) faster results. Your dentist can use a whitening solution that is stronger than the safe options at home.

Just as the results of home teeth whitening solutions can be affected by user treatments in the following guidelines, office whitening results can be affected by the dentist performing the treatment.

No matter how experienced and careful the dentist is, there are times when whitening your teeth just won't give you the results you expect. For some teeth, a veneer or cosmetic dental approach should be used in conjunction with whitening.

In fact, the surrounding teeth whitening can draw attention to dental problems – another reason to consult your dentist before choosing an over-the-counter home teeth whitening system.

Choosing a dentist based on the teeth whitening products they use is not the smartest approach. Many dentists offer more than one product and approach to teeth whitening.