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Pure PRP Kits Comparison In NJ

Incorporating effective platelet-rich plasma procedures into your orthopedic or aesthetic practice serves the needs of your patients by providing a low-risk option for many challenging conditions. 

Adhering to well-founded protocols and choosing the right PRP kit will significantly improve outcomes. There are two most commonly used kits available Eclipse and EmCyte. You can also get more information about 5-Line Biologics through various sources.

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It’s vital for patients and physicians alike to understand the fundamental differences between the various PRP kits on the market and how these differences affect PRP platelet concentration. 

Third-party analysis shows that EmCyte PurePRP kits produce PRP with platelet concentration levels 6.7x higher than whole blood levels, while Eclipse PRP kits produce PRP with half the platelet concentration levels of whole blood. 

A platelet-Rich Plasma kit (PRP) is a medical device specially designed for the collection and separation of platelet-rich plasma from the blood. Our PRP kit is used to accommodate the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma from a small sample of the patient's blood.

Third-Party Analysis of Commercial PRP Kits

Third-party analysis was conducted by Robert Mandle, Ph.D., who lead a team at BioSciences Research Associates (BSR) in 2016 to compare growth factor release and platelet concentration amongst commercially available PRP kits. 

BSR is an independent contract research laboratory located in Cambridge and once academically affiliated with Harvard Medical School. 5-Line Biologics offers a complete line of regenerative medical products from industry-leading manufacturers.

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A platelet-Rich Plasma kit (PRP) is a medical device specially designed for the collection and separation of platelet-rich plasma from the blood. Our PRP kit is used to accommodate the safe and rapid preparation of autologous platelet-rich plasma from a small sample of the patient’s blood.

Disease Institute at Harvard and as such draws from a community of nearly 400 bioscience researchers. The BSR laboratory complies with the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) to assist pharmaceutical and biotech companies in product development and clinical trial support.