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Himalayan Salt – The Color That Makes It Ideal For Cosmetics

The high density of the mineral makes it highly absorbent, but the low mineral content means that it has a short molecular weight. This can result in a bitter taste. Though Himalayan salt may be ideal for cosmetic use, it is still necessary to use only the highest quality Himalayan salt available.

Salt is a natural mineral source and has been used for thousands of years. We have no need for synthetic minerals such as calcium chloride. Our skin is one of the places that must be treated with caution as long term exposure to mineral based chemicals can result in a variety of health problems.

Himalayan pink salt is a white mineral that has a very unique color. The color of Himalayan salt is an opaque gray, which makes it ideal for cosmetics. Himalayan salt does not evaporate and is useful for its high magnesium content, as the gray color makes it appear more absorbent than many other salts.

Himalayan salt is a natural mineral salt from the Himalayas. It is best used as a liquid mineral in cosmetics, as it is extremely absorbent. Himalayan salt is a bleaching agent for brightening teeth and gums. However, it is also effective in removing discoloration and has an anti-wrinkle property.

Toothpaste is also one of the most common cosmetic items we use in our daily lives. Toothpaste contains ingredients that can help whiten your teeth and fight plaque. Many toothpastes contain sodium laureth sulphate (SLES), which is often used as a whitening agent. SLES is a recognized carcinogen.

Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) combined with Sodium Laureth Sulphate (SLES) is not absorbed into the skin and therefore SLES does not cause any irritation. In fact, SLES has been used to remove body hair. Himalayan salt has been used in toothpaste since 1882 and was first recommended by Dr. Joseph Lister, a dentist who was an expert in white toothpaste.

Salt contains about thirty-seven percent sodium chloride. Many other minerals are used in toothpaste as bleaching agents, but no ingredient as yet has been found that removing the bad breath produced by the sulfur compounds in the SLES bleaching agent. The jury is still out on the benefits of this salt to good dental health.

Plastic gloves can also be a problem, and Himalayan salt is a better alternative to the petroleum-based products that are used today. In a 1998 study, aluminum salts of Himalayan salt, used as plastic gloves, were shown to provide protection against bacterial contamination. Sodium magnesium citrate, a bleaching agent for plastics, had similar effects on bacteria.

Himalayan salt is also a good choice for salve and insect repellent. The high magnesium content of the salt makes it suitable for use as a remedy for skin irritations. Many common skin conditions including eczema, calluses, acne, shingles, and dandruff can be treated with Himalayan salt. It is also an excellent bath salt.

Clay is another natural mineral that can be used in the home. People have been using clay for centuries, and have found a variety of uses for it. Used for natural healing, clay is often added to water for hot baths, or mixed with water and consumed as a tea. It can also be added to baths to reduce itchiness, and for aromatherapy.

Salt is an excellent moisturizer for the skin and is used in numerous bath and body products. Natural oils and waxes are sometimes adding to reduce the thickness of a man's beard. It is used to remove impurities from the skin, make homemade skin products, and as a bonding agent for nails.

Since the above uses for Himalayan salt are all relatively safe and do not require added chemicals, Himalayan salt should be considered an alternative source of healthy minerals for your cosmetic and bath products. You can add to your personal beauty by adding Himalayan salt to your home spa.