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Different Types of Coffee Machines

One definition of a machine is a mechanical device, electrically or electronically operated to perform the task. Thus, the coffee machine can be, for all intents and purposes, is defined as a coffee maker or coffee grinder. 

A common coffee machine is an espresso machine. These machines make coffee by using steam that is pumped through the dense finely ground coffee beans. The results of this process varies according to how the operator chooses to make, depending on the options available for their machines. You can check to get more information about the coffee machines.

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These machines vary from one that simply pumping steam at 15 bar pressure through the portafilter that holds the coffee powder with programmed. Programmable machines will grind your coffee, make your espresso your way and even dispose of the spent grounds and then sends a clean rinse through the machine.

Another coffee machine makes coffee by putting coffee in the bottom of a cylinder, which is usually glass. A filter the size of the inside of the cylinder is then pressed down to the bottom producing the coffee. These coffee machines have names such as French press, water press, a press pot, coffee press, coffee plunger or cafetière.