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Can Joint Replacements Keep The Elderly Active For Longer?

Joint replacement, though starting early, became available more generally in the 1960s with hip replacements followed by knee replacements. Ankle and shoulder replacements are now available.

Due to increases in the elderly population and improvements in surgical procedures, the number of joint replacements has been increasing massively and is set to carry on increasing. You can also visit for joint replacement treatment.

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As we get older it is common for our posture and walking pattern to change. This is because many changes occur in the body as we age. For example bone density is lost during the aging process, particularly in women after experiencing menopause.

During the aging process, joints may also get stiffer and less flexible. This is because the fluid in the joints can decrease and this means that the cartilage may begin to rub together and erode. The hip and knee joints are common areas for cartilage to be lost.

Effects age-related changes can have on the body

Almost all elderly individuals are affected by joint changes in some way, and this can vary from stiffness to Arthritis. There are a number of effects that aging can have on the body, for example, bones can become brittle, and this means that they can become more prone to breaks. The most common effects that can occur include inflammation, stiffness, pain, and deformity as a result of a breakdown of the joint structure.

As a result of these changes within the body individuals are more likely to become unsteady on their feet, and this can result in falls. This can have a major impact on an individual's health and well-being, as falls can result in serious breakages, such as a hip fracture.