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5 Craft projects with a large graphic letter for your home

Large wooden letters can add personality to your tot’s room, while others offer endless opportunities for your DIY muscles. You can make your kid’s room perfect with graphic letters. Keep reading this article to learn the unique ideas for decorating your place to embark on your next project: –

Washi Tape:

You can involve your kids in the letter-decorating process with the washi tape. It is a decorative material that is quick and easy to apply. You can choose the washi tape designs that are favorites of your kids. Once you choose the washi tape designs, apply the letters in pattern or stripes according to your taste and needs. When you apply the tape, leave a little to hang over the edge, this will help be wrapped around the edge and attached to give the letter-perfect coverage.

Furthermore, the letter looks impressive and attractive if you order it with solid-colored tape and then fill it with pattern tape. Kids with a flair design want to pick the tape color corresponding to their bedding, walls, and carpets. At the same time, older children can help you to choose the corresponding patterns for their younger siblings, like train tables and toddler beds.


If your kid adores sparkles, then there is no such thing as too much glitter. When you start your project, you have to use plenty of newspapers for this project. You can also go with the glitter and paint in the same color.

Start spray painting the letters and leave for dry. Dip a foam brush into the glitter and cover your entire front surface of the letter with the thin layer. You can cover this area with the glitter and repeat on the remaining areas. You also allowed them to dry for hours before covering them with a layer of high shine spray.

Photo Collage:

Photo collage is a great option for kids with dozens of family members and friends. With the photo collage, it is easy to display precious memories. For this, you have gathered your all-favorite pictures, a little mod podge, and a brush. If you want to add the effect to your space, you can choose white and black photos.

Start by painting your picture with the laser printer. Take some time to determine how to place the photos and trim them to fit perfectly in the letter. Use one photo at a time and apply the mod podge to the selected areas on the letter before adding the picture. You have to smooth the picture and remove the air bubbles. Leave for half an hour to completely dry before applying one final.


You can also feature your kid’s favorite comics in the letterform. This project resembles the large photo collage highlighted above.


You can easily ant up your ante by surrounding them with large picture frames. You have to go with the contrasting color for the frames and choose one solid color and other snazzy patterns. You can decorate a letter with any method or simply cover it with fabric.


Above most common 5 ways are discussed to decorate your graphic latter and how can you add style in your place with these DIY projects.